인텔 10세대 이상의 칩셋 드라이버 문제
10세대 이상의 제품의 윈7을 설치하는경우 인텔 칩셋에 대한 드라이버는 출시된적이 없습니다
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인텔 칩셋 "드라이버"는 관련 시스템의 성능에 영향을 미치지 않습니다.
아래는 내용 전문입니다.
Although the Device Manager shows the information files as "drivers", the "Intel(R) Chipset Device Software" doesn't contain any real driver (= .SYS file), but just textmode (= .INF) files, which
a) let the OS know, that for the related Intel Chipset Device a driver is neither needed nor available and
b) gives the user the information, that the related device is an Intel one.
None of the Windows Operating Systems needs the .INF files for a proper functionality.
The Intel Chipset "drivers" don't have any impact on the performance of the related system.
If you don't believe me, please read >this< official statement from Intel regarding the importance and the function of the "Intel(R) Chipset Device Software".
Here is the summary:
Zitat von Intel
The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility is not a driver and does not include drivers.
The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility gives the product name for the piece of hardware. This information allows the operating system to display the correct name for that piece of hardware in Device Manager.